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Instant CRT-211 Discount | CRT-211 Download

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CRT-211 Download & Latest Braindumps CRT-211 Ppt

All these three Salesforce CRT-211 exam questions formats are easy to use and compatible with all devices, operating systems, and browsers. You can install and run these three CRT-211 exam practice test questions easily and start Salesforce CRT-211 Exam Preparation without wasting further time. The CRT-211 exam practice questions will ace your Certification Preparation for Advanced Administrator CRT-211 exam preparation and prepare you for the final CRT-211 exam.

Salesforce CRT-211 Certification Exam is a great way for advanced administrators to validate their skills and knowledge of Salesforce. CRT-211 exam tests your knowledge of advanced administration concepts and requires hands-on experience with Salesforce. With proper preparation and study, passing the exam can enhance your career prospects and open up new opportunities in the Salesforce ecosystem.

Salesforce Certification Preparation for Advanced Administrator Sample Questions (Q208-Q213):

The administrator at Cloud Kicks created a flow in a sandbox that walks service agents through the Return Merchandise Authorization creation process. The administrator deployed the flow to production with a Change Set. Users are unable to use the flow in production.
Which step should the administrator take?
Activate the flow administrator take?

  • A. Ensure there is an active flow version in the sandbox.
  • B. Deployment the flow, with the Metadata API instead of Change Sets
  • C. Activate the flow manually after deployment.
  • D. Include the active and prior inactive flow version in the Change Set.

Answer: C

A flow is an automation tool that allows you to create processes that perform actions based on user input or record changes. A flow can be triggered by a user who launches it from a button, link, or Lightning page, or by the system when a record is created or updated. A flow has different versions that can be active or inactive.
An active version is the one that runs when the flow is triggered, while an inactive version is the one that is saved but not running. When you deploy a flow to production with a change set, the flow version is deployed as inactive by default. This means that you need to activate the flow manually after deployment if you want it to run in production. References:

Cloud Kicks maintains Inventory in a legacy application. Management wants the information to also be available to view and report on in Saiesforce.
Which action should the administrator take to achieve this goal?

  • A. Import the data into a custom object when needed; delete after it is used.
  • B. Upload an Excel spreadsheet with the data into the Files tab.
  • C. Build a Lightning component and use SFDX to connect to the inventory app.
  • D. Create an external object that maps to the inventory application.

Answer: D

When using Customizable Forecasts, which forecast category is not included in the forecast?

  • A. Best Case
  • B. Closed
  • C. Omitted
  • D. Pipeline

Answer: C

What are the three types of Milestone Actions that you can trigger when working with Entitlements? (Select 3)

  • A. Warning Action
  • B. Violation Action
  • C. Completion Action
  • D. Starting Action
  • E. Success Action

Answer: A,B,E

What should an administrator do to keep secure fields protected in email templates'?

  • A. Remove the fields from the email.
  • B. Set up an approval process for email alerts.
  • C. Use classic encrypted fields.
  • D. Implement GDPR.

Answer: C


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